Friday 11 May 2012

Font Fashion

Like fashion, fonts have appropriate uses and go out of style. There are two fonts in particular you should NEVER use number 1. Cooper Black and number 2. Times New Roman. I will use Times New Roman as the base for this blog, otherwise my rant could go on far too long, and it’s Friday, you can’t be too negative on a Friday.

I recently had a client come to me asking for a logo, after providing a number of different concepts to choose from they picked an icon they loved and sent me their current logo asking if I could make it the same. It was Times New Roman and I nearly threw up on my keyboard. Please, please don’t make me use Times New Roman I begged them. They found it quite humorous and insisted I do it. Well I didn’t, if after 4 years studying at Uni and a whopper student loan my lecturers saw me produce a logo in Times New Roman they’d hunt me down and punch me in the throat.

Not wanting to risk my throat I sent back concepts in various serif fonts hoping this would satisfy both parties. They loved it!! Success! Turns out when they say “Times New Roman” they really just mean serif. Serif is OK, we can work with serif; there are plenty of beautifully designed serif fonts out there without having to resort to Times New Roman.

“Why can’t we use Times New Roman, we are just simple tradesmen” they said. No, no, no, please don’t ever think of your brand as being simple!! Maybe that is what you are, but dress for success guys! Times New Roman is old, dated and belongs in the newspaper scripting various tragedies around the globe, not as the face for your brand. It lacks character and there is a dullness about it that just drains the life out of the word it crafts.

They still think I am crazy for being so passionate about not using a font, but when you see the before and after shots I’m sure you’ll agree, Times New Roman had to go. All they wanted was little feet and hats on their letters and that made them happy in the end – which is what really matters.

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